Our worship style is “liturgical and varied”, sometimes traditional, sometimes rock and roll. What you can expect is an encounter with God. We celebrate Holy Communion every week. All are welcome to share in this celebration. Worship generally lasts from 60 to 70 minutes.

Clothes. Seriously, though, part of being a community which strongly believes that “ALL are welcome”, means we are a place where you will find people wearing anything from shorts or jeans and t-shirts to suits and ties.

We have refreshments before worship, and some to grab at the end as well. Our adult and child Sunday school classes meet at 10:45am from September through May.

We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation, which means we are affirming of all people, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. Everyone is welcomed and supported in worship!

Masks are optional indoors, but encouraged when Guadalupe County is rated "high risk." Anyone with symptoms of illness is asked to consider their own health and the health of others. We are continuing to monitor the pandemic and will make adjustments to our policies as needed.